Practical information

Fees and meals

  • There will be no registration fees. Attending the conference (both online and in presence) is for free
  • There are, however, no meals included in the conference attendance pack. We are planning to propose a lunch solution to the participants (either a lunch on site or in a restaurant nearby, with a fix price), but this will be at your charge. This is not at all mandatory. We think that is a nice occasion to meet new and old people and discuss while eating, but attendees will be free to find an alternative by themselves.
  • We will offer coffee breaks as well as light refreshments on the first evening (Thursday 7th)


  • The conference will last 2 full days, Thursday and Friday
  • There are 90 available places in presence. Once reached this number, only online registrations will be accepted
  • No poster session will be organized
  • The conference will be ONLY in English. Abstracts and oral presentations will be accepted only in English.
  • No simultaneous translation will be available.


  • You can use a plateform to book your accomodation in La Chaux-de-Fonds and in the Canton of Neuchâtel (see on "accomodation" page). 

Online attendance

  •  Speakers attending only online will be asked to pre-record their presentation.

Access to PFC2024 account

  • For the registration, abstracts submission and access to your profile on the we remind you that your have to use your username and not email address as login ID

Acess to venue

  • You find all information on "Access" page.
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